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Research Interests

My research interests are related to the derivation of partial differential equations and stochastic partial differential equations from underlying stochastic microscopic dynamics. 







39th SPA Moscow, 24th July 2017.

Asymptotic behavior of WASEP in contact with stochastic reservoirs.


University of Bath, 10th October 2016.

The symmetric simple exclusion with slow boundaries.

University of Bristol, 7th October 2016.

The symmetric simple exclusion with slow boundaries.


University of Lille, 18th May 2016.

A universal law behind growth patterns from microscopic stochastic dynamics.



Warwick University, 1st April 2016.

On the crossover fluctuations of exclusion processes with a slow bond.



Eindhoven, 8th March 2016.

On the asymptotic behavior of slowed exclusion processes. 







66. Oral Communication: "Asymptotic behavior of WASEP in contact with stochastic reservoirs", July, Moscow, Russia.

65. Mini-course: "Hydrodynamics for symmetric exclusion in contact with reservoirs", May, IHP, Paris, France. 

64. Seminar: "From the Random walk to partial differential equations", March, CMAT, Braga, Portugal.

63. Seminar: "Phase transition for the heat equation with boundary conditions", February, FCUL, Lisbon, Portugal.


62. Seminar: "Random walks, Poisson processes, Particle systems: from randomness to determinim", December, IST, Lisbon, Portugal. 

61. Seminar: "The symmetric simple exclusion with slow boundaries", October, University of Bath, Uk. 

60. Seminar: "The symmetric simple exclusion with slow boundaries", October, University of Bristol, Uk. 

59. Seminar:  "Universality from microscopic stochastic dynamics", July, Ciência 2016, Lisbon, Portugal.


58. Seminar:  "Boundary effects in heat condution", June, CAMGSD Lisboa, Portugal.


57. Seminar: "On the scaling limits of symmetric exclusion with slowed boundary", June, University of Leiden, Netherlands.


56. Seminar: "A universal law behind growth patterns from microscopic stochastic dynamics", May, INRIA Lille, France.

55. Oral Communication, "On the crossover fluctuations of the symmetric simple exclusion with a slow bond", "Probabilistic models - from discrete to continuous, April, Warwick, UK. 

54. Oral Communication, "On the asymptotic behavior of slowed exclusion processes", "Large Deviations for Interacting Particle Systems and Partial Differential Equations", March, Eindhoven, Holanda. 


53. Oral Communication, "Crossover to the stochastic Burgers equation for the WASEP with a slow bond", "Non-equilibrium statistical physics, November, Bangalore, India.



52. Seminar: "De processos de Markov a EDP's com condições de fronteira", FGC, December, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

51. Seminar: "From Markov processes to PDE's with boundary conditions", Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, November, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

50. Oral Communication, "A microscopic disorder in the SSEP: hydrodynamics and phase transitions", "Probability

in Bahia", October,  Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil.

49. Oral Communication, "Derivation of the KPZ/Stochastic Burgers equation from weakly asymmetric interacting particle systems", "Conference on stochastic analysis and related topics, August, Campinas, Brazil.

48. Oral Communication, "Derivation of the KPZ equation from particle systems", "Stochastic Analysis: Around

the KPZ universality class", June, Oberwolfach, Germany. 




47. Oral Communication, "The symmetric slowed exclusion process", "PSPDE II", December, Braga, Portugal.


46. Comunicação plenária convidada, "Phase transitions for the slowed exclusion process", "EDAI", IMPA, November,, Brazil.


45. Oral Communication, "Phase transitions on the scaling limits of the symmetric slowed exclusion", "Large Scale Stochastic Dynamics", MFO, October, Oberwolfach, Germany.

44. Seminar, "Phase transitions on the scaling limits of the symmetric slowed exclusion", CMAT, October, Braga, Portugal.

43. Seminar, "Phase transitions on the scaling limits of the symmetric slowed exclusion", University of Nice, October, Nice, France.

42. Oral Communication, "Nonlinear fluctuations of particle systems", "17º Brazilian School of Probability", August, Mambucaba, Brazil.

41. Seminar, "Additive functionals of particle systems", CMAT, February, Braga, Portugal.



40. Oral Communication, "Exclusion and Zero-Range in the rarefaction fan", "Developments in Coupling workshop", September, York, UK.


39. Oral Communication, "On the occupation time of $1-d$ exclusion processes", "Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática", July, Faro, Portugal.


38. Oral Communication, "The weakly asymmetric exclusion process: additive functionals", "6th Workshop on Statistics, Mathematics and Computation", "3rd Portuguese-Polish Workshop on Biometry", July, Covilhã, Portugal.


37. Seminar, "On the occupation time of 1-d exclusion processes", École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, June, Lyon, France.

36. Seminar, "From particle systems to partial differential equations", CMUP, May, Porto, Portugal.


35. Seminar, "Variance bounds for additive functionals of exclusion processes", CMAT, April, Braga, Portugal.




34. Oral Communication, "The occupation time for exclusion processes", "Brazilian School of Probability", July, Mambucaba, Brasil.

33. Poster, "Additive functionals of exclusion processes", "Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática", July, IMPA, Brazil.

32. Seminar, "Scaling limits of additive functionals of exclusion processes", "Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences", April, New York,  USA.



31. Seminar, "KPZ as scaling limit of 1-d weakly asymmetric particle systems", CMAT, December, Braga, Portugal.


30. Oral Communication, "Crossover to the KPZ equation", "Large Scale Stochastic Dynamics", MFO, November, Oberwolfach, Germany.

29. Oral Communication, "Crossover to the KPZ equation", "5th International Workshop on Applied Probability", July, Madrid, Spain.

28. Seminar, "The weakly asymmetric simple exclusion process", Buenos Aires University, March, Argentina.


27. Seminar, "Equilibrium fluctuations for the weakly asymmetric simple exclusion", IMPA, February, Brazil.




26. Oral Communication, "A non-ergodic interacting Particle System", "CLAPEM - Congresso Latino Americano de Probabilidad y Estadística", November, Caracas, Venezuela.

25. Oral Communication, "A non ergodic interacting particle system", "Kinetics and Statistical Methods for Complex Particle Systems", July, Lisbon, Portugal.


24. Oral Communication, "Hydrodynamic limit for particle systems", FCG, March, "Estímulo à investigação", Lisbon, Portugal.

23. Seminar, "The simple exclusion process", ISEG, January, Lisbon, Portugal..}


22. Seminar, "Hydrodynamic limit and equilibrium fluctuations for the Simple Exclusion process", CMAT, January, Braga, Portugal.



21. Seminar, "Partial Differential Equations and Stochastic Partial Differential Equations arising in Particle Systems" CMA, December, Lisbon, Portugal.

20. Seminar, "Hydrodynamic Limit of Particle Systems", GFM, December, Lisbon, Portugal.

19. Poster, "Hydrodynamic Limit for a Particle System with degenerate rates", "Interacting Particle Systems and Percolation", Institute Henri Poincaré, October, Paris, France.


18. Oral Communication, "Hydrodynamic Limit for a particle system with degenerate rates", "Dynamics and Applications", September, Braga, Portugal.}

17. Seminar, "Central Limit Theorem for a Tagged Particle in Asymmetric Simple exclusion", Warwick University, June, Warwick, UK.


16. Seminar, "Second and third class particles in TASEP", Catholic University Louvain-la-Neuve, March, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.



15. Seminar, "Second and third class particles in TASEP", CMAT, December, Braga, Portugal.

14. Oral Communication, "Second and Third class particles in TASEP", "Large Scale Stochastic Dynamics", MFO, August, Oberwolfach, Germany.

13. Seminar, "The Burgers equation and the Asymmetric Simple Exclusion", CMAT, July, Braga, Portugal.


12. Seminar, "Hydrodynamic Limit of some Particle Systems", CMUC, July, Coimbra, Portugal.


11. Poster, "Central Limit Theorem for a Tagged Particle in Asymmetric Simple Exclusion", "X Clapem, Latin American Congress on Probability and Mathematical Statistics", February, Lima, Peru.

10. Poster  "Hydrodynamic Limit for a Particle System with degenerate rates", "School and Workshop on Probability Theory and Applications", January, Campos do Jordão, Brazil.


9. Seminar, "Hydrodynamics for a particle system with degenerate rates", November, IMPA, Brazil.

8. Oral Communication, "Central Limit Theorem for a Tagged Particle in Asymmetric Simple Exclusion", "Stochastic Analysis in Mathematical Physics" - Complexo Interdisciplinar da Universidade de Lisboa, September, Lisbon, Portugal.

7. Poster, "Central Limit Theorem for a Tagged Particle in Asymmetric Simple Exclusion", "International Congress on Mathematical Physics", August, IMPA, Brazil.

6. Poster, "Central Limit Theorem for a Tagged Particle in Asymmetric Simple Exclusion", "IMS Annual Meeting and X Brazilian School of Probability", August, IMPA, Brazil.

5. Oral Communication, "Central Limit Theorem for a Tagged Particle in Asymmetric Simple Exclusion", "Hydrodynamic Limits and Particle Systems" - Scuola Normalle Superiore, 5June, Pisa, Italy.



4. Oral Communication, "Central Limit Theorem for a Tagged Particle in Asymmetric Simple Exclusion", "Escuela Latino-Americana de Matematica - ELAM", December, Balneario Solis, Uruguai.

3. Seminar, "Central Limit Theorem for a Tagged Particle in Asymmetric Simple Exclusion", November, IMPA, Brazil.


2. Seminar, "Tagged particle behaviour on asymmetric simple exclusion in dimension one", June, IMPA, Brazil.



1. Seminar, "The free energy of a random polymer", October, IMPA, Brazil.

Selected talks

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Research Projects

Here goes a list of the current research projects that I am involved.

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© 2022 por Patrícia Gonçalves. 

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