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Course on IPS at IST

This course consists of a series of lectures and we will follow the book from Claude Kipnis and Claudio Landim "Scaling Limits of interacting particle systems". We started with appendix 1 in February/March 2020. These lectures were given by Gabriel Nahum, Oslenne Araujo, and Pedro Cardoso. The notes are here:  

Next scheduled lectures are 

23rd June and 26th June, by Leonardo de Carlo.

30th June and 3rd July, by Leonardo de Carlo.

6th and 10th July.

The notes are here:


The lectures on the relative entropy method will be given by Rodrigo Marinho.

The lectures are on the days 13th and 17th July. 

The notes are here: 

The lectures on the phase transition for the porous medium equation will be given by Renato de Paula. 

The lectures are on the days 21st and 24th July. 

The notes are here: 

© 2022 por Patrícia Gonçalves. 

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